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special jury中文是什么意思

用"special jury"造句"special jury"怎么读"special jury" in a sentence"special jury"的同义词


  • 特别陪审团


  • Special jury prize , gijon film festival 2006
  • Special jury award , gijn international film festival 2005
  • Special jury prize
  • Two chinese movies , " thirteen princess trees " and " after this our exile " won awards on sunday at the 19th tokyo international film festival . " thirteen princess trees , " directed by the young generation chinese director lu yue , won " the special jury prize .
    两部中国电影在19届东京国际电影节获奖。中国新锐导演吕乐执导的十三棵泡桐获得了“评委会特别奖” 。另一部获奖的电影是父子。
  • It will also screen the animated short film the smiling fish and its making - of . the animated short runs 9 minutes 40 seconds , with no dialogue , and has won the special jury award of the animation category at the 56th berlin film festival in february this year , championing over 21 other nominees . the short was event regarded as a " simple but beautiful film " by the jury , and had won the love of the jurors
  • The competition sets 20 awards of 14 categories : grand prize for animation , best animated theatrical feature film , best tv animation , best online animation , bested animated short film , special jury award , special asian production award , best playwright , best make - up and costume design , best director , best visual effects , best editing , best original music , and best student work
用"special jury"造句  


  • a jury whose members are selected for special knowledge for a case involving complicated issues
    同义词:blue ribbon jury,


A Special Jury, which is a jury selected from a special roll of persons with a restrictive qualification, could be used for Civil or Criminal cases, although in Criminal cases only for misdemeanours such as seditious libel. The party opting for a Special Jury was charged a fee, which was 12 guineas just prior to abolition in England.
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